Schedule & Admission Test Materials

Online Application September-December
Registration Documents Verification January-February
Announcement of Administrative Selection March
Academic Potential Test (Written Exam) and Interview April
Final Announcement May
Academic Fee May-June
Arrival July
Matriculation August

Academic Calendar University of Mataram 2025

*Kindy check it here

Admission Procedure for International Student at UNRAM

A) International Credit Transfer Program (ICTP), Internship, and Degree Programs (Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral):

  1. Kindly check the list of international classes provided at the INDEEP (International Degree Program) University of Mataram here.
  2. If it is available, register yourself here and upload the requirements.
  3. After upload the requirements, Unram will verify your document.
  4. If you’re accepted, we will send you a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) through your email.
  5. After got your LoA, you need to complete the additional documents for the study permit from Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (DIKTI) of Indonesia. Please check the requirements here *the process maximum 7 days.
  6. After got the letter of study permit from DIKTI, please fill the Visa application form here. Kindly check the types of Visa here. *the process max 8-14 days.
  7. if your VISA approved, the immigration office will send us the Visa through email, and we will forward it to your email.
  8. After got your Visa, please complete the administration process for studying at UNRAM.

B) Short Course 1 (one) day to 1 (one) month program:

Before your visit to University of Mataram, kindly fill this form here for legal permit from Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (DIKTI)