Mataram, August 22nd, 2024 – The University of Mataram held an insightful workshop and sharing session on August 22nd, 2024, at the Senate Meeting Room, Rectorate Building. The event was organized to introduce students to prestigious international programs such as the Asian Undergraduate Symposium (AUS) and the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA).

The session was opened by Nurlaili Sakinah, S.Pd., staff for Student Mobility and Immigration Affairs, and Rusdi Bastian Ilham, S.Pd., M.Sc., Coordinator of Program Development and Networking. Both speakers emphasized the importance of international exposure for students, underlining how these programs can help them gain valuable experience, expand their global networks, and enhance their cultural understanding.

The first part of the session featured alumni from the AUS 2024 program. Rizki Insania Ramadhani and I Nengah Dwi Putra shared their enriching experiences at the symposium, highlighting how the program facilitated cultural exchange and fostered valuable connections with peers from different countries. They provided a comprehensive overview of AUS, inspiring the attendees to pursue similar opportunities to broaden their horizons.

The second session focused on the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA). Two accomplished IISMA alumni, Surni Ahyatul Fitri, who attended Michigan State University in 2023, and Silmi Fadhlina Hubbaya Munir, who attended the University of Sussex in 2023, shared their personal stories of studying abroad for one semester. They offered practical advice on how to successfully apply for IISMA, including tips on writing compelling essays, acing interviews, mastering English proficiency tests, and selecting the right university. Their insights were invaluable to students aspiring to study abroad and gain international academic experience.

The event provided students with not only a deeper understanding of these prestigious international programs but also an opportunity to learn from the firsthand experiences of successful alumni.