Mataram – July 1, 2024 – The University of Mataram (UNRAM) and the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) Germany have formalized their collaboration on an innovative waste water management project in Gili Trawangan. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) took place on July 1, 2024, marking the commencement of this significant project, which is part of a funding program from the government of Germany. This research initiative has been in progress for the past two years.

During the signing event, Prof. Marie Lai Lin Loui Fujitani, representing ZMT, presented the future scope of the project to the Rector of UNRAM, Prof. Bambang. She also sought feedback on the project, stating, “We have already presented this research five times to local communities, companies, and government bodies.”

Prof. Bambang expressed his optimism, saying, “I hope this research will be very useful for the community around Gili Trawangan.”

This project is not the first collaboration between UNRAM and ZMT. The two institutions have previously partnered on several research projects. Notably, nine students from UNRAM have participated in this program, recognized as part of the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) International Research Program.

UNRAM and ZMT have been collaborating since 2019, with the newly signed MoU extending their partnership for an additional five years.