Mataram – On Thursday, 8th August, the British Embassy in Jakarta and the University of Mataram (UNRAM) held a meeting to explore potential collaboration opportunities across various fields. The meeting, held in the Rector’s Conference Room at UNRAM, aimed to discuss about potential partnerships that would benefit both institutions.

The meeting was attended by Juliana Richter, the Deputy Head of Second Cities from the British Embassy Jakarta, Dr. Bagus Muljadi, representatives from the Environmental Engineering Department of University of Nottingham, and Winda Listiyani, the Regional Outreach Manager of the British Embassy. The UNRAM delegation was led by the Rector, Prof. Bambang Hari Kusumo, Ph.D. The discussions covered several key topics, including academic exchanges, scholarship programs, and collaborative research initiatives.

In her opening remarks, the British Embassy’s Regional Outreach Manager, Winda Listiyani, expressed her enthusiasm for the potential cooperation.

“The West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government and the University of Nottingham have been collaborating since 2022. We are currently working on an action plan for concrete programs that can be implemented through this collaboration. Some of the key focus areas in NTB include green agriculture and mining. Certainly, the University of Mataram has the capacity to support the success of this partnership,” said Winda Listiyani.

Meanwhile, Rector Prof. Bambang highlighted the importance of international cooperation in enriching academic experiences and enhancing the quality of education at UNRAM.

“Moving forward, we are optimistic about exploring various collaborative opportunities. We extend our gratitude to the representatives from the British Embassy for their visit. We plan to implement several potential initiatives, including the possibility of sharing lectures from Nottingham via live streaming or Zoom meetings. We are also considering launching a double degree program and exploring other opportunities, such as courses on animal science or tropical studies, for our students. Additionally, we see potential in developing an adjunct professor program, allowing lecturers from Nottingham to contribute directly to teaching at the University of Mataram,” Prof. Bambang explained.

This meeting marks the beginning of what both institutions hope will be a fruitful and long-lasting partnership, contributing to the advancement of education and research in both the United Kingdom and Indonesia.