Mataram City
Mataram, as the capital of West Nusa Tenggara has a number of higher education institutions in the multicultural life of the community. In a harmonious situation, you will find a value-filled tradition that lives in this small city. Friendly local people can blend easily with students or foreigners who come to Mataram. The city of Mataram is like a miniature of West Nusa Tenggara and Indonesia, due to the fact that most people or migrants from different regions and tribes who live in Mataram have a purpose to study. Mataram people will warmly welcome you when you mingle with them. Be a part of Mataram that is full of pleasure and let this city give color to one of your life experiences.
Medical Services/Pelayanan Kesehatan
If you get ill, you can consult with the university’s doctors and specialists at Unram’s hospital and Clinic. You can come to the Clinic that daily opens from 8 am to 3 pm except operational for the emergency. While the Unram’s Hospital operational activity is open 24 hours a day. It lies at Jalan Majapahit Number 62 Mataram adjacent to main campus University of Mataram and should you encounter emergency situation, please contact the hospital operational service’s phone number 0817-7516-5995
Another hospital which is located close to UNRAM campus is “Rumah Sakit Kota Mataram” (Mataram Hospital) at Jalan Bung Karno Number 3 Mataram. This hospital opens 24 hours every day for general medical checkups and emergency purposes. You can also communicate via e-mail at